Finding Funding Sources

Funding is key to commencing your fellowship
It may be sourced from:
Your supervisor’s grant or research resources
Government organizations
Health organizations
Fellowship programs
Did You Know?
The University of Toronto has a minimum annual stipend for Employee postdoctoral fellows of $50,000 (effective March 15, 2024). Funds for this can be drawn from a variety of sources, secured either by the postdocs themselves or their faculty supervisors. Postdocs can secure funding from external granting agencies or fellowship programs or may be offered funding from their faculty supervisors’ grant or research resources.
Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities
There are a variety of opportunities for those seeking funding for their postdoctoral fellowship.
Please visit the postdoctoral funding section of the Awards & Financial Assistance table for details.
You can also find funding opportunities on the Burroughs Wellcome Fund website.
Postdoctoral Fellows Professional Development Reimbursement Fund
The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) is pleased to announce the launch of the Postdoctoral Fellows Professional Development Reimbursement Fund as outlined in the CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement. This fund supports postdoctoral fellows engaging in additional professional development (PD) activities.
Learn more about the Professional Development Reimbursement Fund.
In person: SGS Postdoctoral Office, 63 St. George Street, Room 101