Latest Past Events

Workshop: How to Get the Most Out of your IDP Process

Fri Oct 25, 12:00-1:30 p.m. Online Register for the workshop. Description: The Centre for Graduate Professional Development at the School of Graduate Studies invites you to a new workshop about creating and maintaining an Individual Development Plan (IDP). IDPs are often recommended to both doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars as a way to plan their […]

SGS: Postdoc Appreciation Week — Pizza Lunch

SGS Graduate Student Lounge 63 St. George Street, Room 103, Toronto

SGS: Postdoc Appreciation Week — Pizza Lunch at the SGS Student Lounge at 63 St. George Street.   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.

UTSC: Valley Trail Walk

UTSC: Valley Trail Walk   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.