Building My Postdoctoral Community

Want to get connected?
With more than 900 postdoctoral fellows spread over three campuses, it can be difficult to connect with your colleagues. Here are some ways to build your network at U of T and beyond.
Join the postdoc listserv
Are you a current postdoc at U of T? Do you want to be notified of changes in services, upcoming awards competitions, social events and workshops?
Join the U of T postdoc listserv by emailing LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UTORONTO.CA and, in the text of your message (not the subject line), write: SUBSCRIBE POSTDOCS-L.
Please note: Subscription requests will only be accepted from U of T email accounts. Requests from non U of T email accounts will not be added to the listserv.
Postdoc events
Throughout the year, the School of Graduate Studies hosts workshops and a variety of social events where you can meet other postdocs across U of T’s three campuses. We will keep you posted here, so check back for updates!
Meet the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellows

Congratulations Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellows!
The Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship program provides funding to increase opportunities for hiring postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups, specifically Indigenous and/or Black researchers who demonstrate excellence and high potential for success in their chosen fields. Learn more.
Meet our community
Christina Geisen
Alumna, PhD, and Former Postdoctoral Fellow, Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations
Lisa Haley
Senior Advisor & Manager, Program Completion and Postdoctoral Services, School of Graduate Studies
Michelle Afkhami
Former Postdoctoral Fellow, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Oisin Keohane
Former Postdoctoral Fellow, Jackman Humanities Institute
Samah El-Tantawy
Alumna, PhD (2012), Civil Engineering
Former Postdoctoral Fellow
Yalun Zhang
Former Postdoctoral Fellow, Biochemistry