Postdoc Coffee Hour – Thursday March 21st, 2024 (3-4:30pm)
Join your Postdoc Colleagues for coffee, cookies and a chat in the SGS Lounge, 63 St. George Street, Room 103, Toronto, ON from 3:00pm to 4:30pm!
Join your Postdoc Colleagues for coffee, cookies and a chat in the SGS Lounge, 63 St. George Street, Room 103, Toronto, ON from 3:00pm to 4:30pm!
Join your Postdoc Colleagues for coffee, cookies and a chat in the SGS Lounge, 63 St. George Street, Room 103, Toronto, ON from 3:00pm to 4:30pm!
Virtual event Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.
Discussion of CAPS/ACPP Constitutional Amendments and CAPS Virtual Open House Click here to register on Zoom. 12 Noon Eastern For more information, please visit Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars). Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.
Visit the National Postdoc Appreciation Week's events page to learn more! Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.
UTSC: Coffee Mix n Mingle Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.
Enjoy SGS: Postdoc Coffee Hour at the SGS Student Lounge at 63 St George Street. Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.
International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA): CAPS/ACPP (Canada), CICS.NOVA NOVA FCSH (Portugal), Max Planck PostdocNet (Germany), Norwegian Association of Researchers, and ANIH (Spain) Click to register for CAPS Public Debate: The Endless Precarity of Research Fellowships Contributions on Zoom! For more information, please visit Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars). Interested […]
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering's Postdoctoral Appreciation Week Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.
UTSC: Rock Climbing Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.
Group session: approaches and strategies for networking and job search, and share best practices and strategies for both. Register for the UofT Career Session: Job Search & Networking session now! Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.