SGS: PDF Orientation Session for New Postdocs

Virtual event   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.

CAPS Special General Meeting

Discussion of CAPS/ACPP Constitutional Amendments and CAPS Virtual Open House Click here to register on Zoom. 12 Noon Eastern   For more information, please visit Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (Canadian Association […]

NPAW Kickoff Event: Owning your Career

Visit the National Postdoc Appreciation Week's events page to learn more!   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around […]

UTSC: Coffee Mix n Mingle

UTSC: Coffee Mix n Mingle   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.

SGS: Postdoc Coffee Hour

SGS Graduate Student Lounge 63 St. George Street, Room 103, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Enjoy SGS: Postdoc Coffee Hour at the SGS Student Lounge at 63 St George Street.   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a […]


Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering's Postdoctoral Appreciation Week   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.

UTSC: Rock Climbing

UTSC: Rock Climbing   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.

UofT Career Session: Job Search & Networking

Group session: approaches and strategies for networking and job search, and share best practices and strategies for both. Register for the UofT Career Session: Job Search & Networking session now! […]

UofT Career Session: CV to Resume

Interactive session to discuss the differences between an academic CV and a resume, how to convert an academic CV into a resume, and best practices in formatting, structure, and content […]

NPA: Postdoc Town Hall

Connect with Community to Foster Change Register for the NPA: Postdoc Town Hall now!   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list […]

CAPS: Exploring Job Options after Your Postdoc

Strategies for Finding What Fits Jennifer Polk, PhD Register for CAPS: Exploring Job Options after Your Postdoc on Zoom!   For more information, please visit Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (Canadian Association […]

UTSC: Valley Trail Walk

UTSC: Valley Trail Walk   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany for a list of events around the world.

SGS: Postdoc Appreciation Week — Pizza Lunch

SGS Graduate Student Lounge 63 St. George Street, Room 103, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

SGS: Postdoc Appreciation Week — Pizza Lunch at the SGS Student Lounge at 63 St. George Street.   Interested in more Postdoc Appreciation Week events? Visit Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany […]